CHCO Adoption Program
Since 1983 the CHCO has adopted and has become affiliated with several historic cemeteries. The policy of organization is that once a cemetery is adopted or affiliated. It remains permanent relationship with the cemetery owners. Or in some cases the cemetery is owned by the CHCO. For more information please contact us.
Hinkle-Snow Cemetery
Adopted July 1989, located on the farm of members Dr. Paul and Mrs. Fay Snow on the Hinkle Rd., east of Cumberland. Buried here are several generations of the Hinkle family. In 1976 when the Snows moved to the farm they added a new area to the cemetery for their family. First Snow death was Gary Snow age 9, son of Dr. Paul and Mrs. Fay Snow. In 1981 he was hit by an automobile near the farm. Each year in early Autumn the CHCO holds their picnic at the farm, followed by a prayer service at the cemetery. Photo: Monument of Gary Snow.
Hutson Cemetery
Adopted Nov. 1989, located along Rt. 220 south in Rawling, Md. The gate can be seen among trees while going south. The graves can not be seen, they are located on a hill. Buried here are many generations of the Hutson family. Two most historic graves are that of Major U.S. Alexander Shaw, 1833-1902 and his wife Mary Hutson Shaw 1840-1901. Alexander owned many coal mines in Allegany County, MD during the 19th century and served as a major for the Union Army during the Civil War. He served in the Potomac Home Brigade. The cemetery grass is now cared for by family members. The CHCO over the years has been working to paint and restore the elaborate black iron fence. To date the CHCO has placed three monuments in the cemetery. In 1992 a bronze plaque was placed between the Shaw monuments which informs of the life of Shaw. In 1995 a granite base was added to the old bronze plaque of Paul Hutson 1898-1951. In 1996 member Bernadine Hutson Heit had her CHCO monument erected.
In Memoriam the CHCO announces the sad news of the death of 2 great patriots. Bernadine Hutson Heit who died last year and is buried at the Organiztation’s Hutson Cemetery in Rawlings. She was a faithful CHCO member for many years.
May God have mercy on their souls.
Photo: Graves of Alexander & Mary Hutson Shaw with information plaque.
In 2005, CHCO member Bernadine Hutson Heit from Harpers Ferry, WV visited her family’s cemetery. Bernadine has been a great friend to the organization for many years. She died the following year, in 2006 and is buried in the cemetery. A CHCO monument marks her grave. Pictured with President Ed Taylor, Jr. at the entrance gate of the Hutson cemetery.
Sumner Cemetery
Adopted January 1990. Sumner Cemetery is located on Yale St. in Cumberland. President Ed Taylor Jr. commented when adopted this site it was by far in one of the worst conditions of any cemeteries he had ever seen. The cemetery was covered with trash and in most areas grass and weeds were over teen feet tall.
This is Allegany County’s first all Black Cemetery. The land was given to a small black organization in 1884 called the Sons of Sumner by a Cumberland Confederate family, the McKaigs. More than half the graves are unmarked. No map or records exist to locate graves. Many stones are small marble stones in bad condition. During cemetery restoration in 1990 members found the graves of six black Union Civil War Soldiers of the U.S.C.T. In less than a year the CHCO raised enough funds to build a monument dedicated to the soldiers. It was unveiled by CHCO member, the late Cumberland Major Harry Stern during Memorial Day 1991. Since then the organization holds a Memorial Day service at this site each year. At various times of the year school groups tour the cemetery. Certain areas of the cemetery have been left to grow over, however monuments are checked from time to time. There are very little funds to care for this cemetery
The monument erected in 1991, was featured in the Maryland Civil War Monuments Book “Lest We Forget” by Susan Soderburg.
Hughes Burial Plot
Adopted April 1992, located in an alley between the north of Walnut and Columbia Sts. in Cumberland.
This small plot that is the only trace left that use to be the large Hooks Addition Cemetery that use to cover a great deal of the area. Buried here are Union Soldier Private John Hughes and his parents, Joseph and Mary Hughes. Since it was adopted an area neighbor found two small stones in their backyard for two babies. They were given to the CHCO and placed in memory of the children in the plot. No doubt they were buried n another part of the Hooks Addition Cemetery, which is now a backyard. At one time a four section obelisk marked the graves of the Hughes. The top section could not be located. In 1995 the CHCO replaced the top section to match the bottom sections. The CHCO seal, along with the date of restoration was engraved. On All Souls Day, November 2, 1994, the CHCO unveiled a monument which tells of the history of this site.
Photo: 1994 CHCO monument: Caretaker and neighbor George DeVore and President Ed Taylor Jr. restored obelisk is the background.
Photo: Vice President Mel Collins poses at the new replacement gravestone for Union Soldier Pvt. John Hughes, Nov. 2003.
McLaughlin Cemetery
Lower & Upper McLaughlin Cemeteries, adopted April 1995, located along the Arnold Stickly Rd. which runs along the South Branch of the Potomac River in Hampshire County, W.Va.
When the organization took over, there was nothing left of the lower cemetery except a few broken field stones. The cemetery is located under a power line and trucks had been backed over the stones.
During 1995 members under the direction of William McLaughin Sr. built a metal fence around the cemetery, cleared the area of weeds. Buried in the lower cemetery are Daniel McLaughlin a Revolutionary War Soldier, his parents, wife and descendants. In the upper cemetery located across the Arnold Stickly Rd. at the top of the hill are some of Daniels children and their families
During 1995 funds were raised to erect a monument to honor Daniel. A flag pole was erected, a gift of Woodmen of the World, a Thirteen Star Betsy Ross flag flies at the site. The monument was unveiled during a ceremony on All Souls Day, November 2, 1995.
Flintstone Episcopal Cemetery
Located on Murleys Branch Rd. in Flintstone, Md, this is one of the oldest cemeteries in Allegany. The first Episcopal Church and cemetery in the area was located here. The church moved to Cumberland in the mid-19 century. From that time until 1997 the small cemetery became overgrown. Local attorney the late Genervieve Schaffer called the CHCO attention to this site. On All Souls Day, November 1997 the CHCO unveiled a monument which informs of the history of the site. Two years later a monument in memory of Mrs. Schaffer was unveiled at this site.
Chester Dale Burgess and Linda Burgess maintain the Flintsone Cemetery. They are also CHCO board members.
Pollock Cemetery
September 6 , 2001 – CHCO unveils marker at Pollock grave
* rewritten from Cumberland Times-News
Mexico Farms – The Cumberland Historic Cemetery organization recently unveiled its monument at the gravesite of Confederate soldier James D. Pollock. The grave is located in the Pollock Cemetery near the C&O Canal in Mexico Farms.
James Dickson Pollock was born Aug. 27, 1841, in Cumberland, the son of Joseph W.H. Pollock and Hannah Katherine (Vanmeter) Pollock. At the age of 20, he traveled to Romney, W.Va, to enlist in the Confederate Army. He served in Company F, 7th Regiment, Virginia Cavalry, also known as Ashby’s Cavalry. Post war records show he was briefly captured in Moorefield, W.Va, on Dec. 3, 1862.
On July 3, 1863, during the three-day battle of Gettysburg, Pa., He is exchanged at Cox’s Landing at the James River on Feb. 15, 1865.
After the war, Pollock returned to his farm in Cumberland. In 1896, at the age of 55, he marries Nellie Morris and the couple have two sons and four daughters, Winnie Davis, June Bertha, Edith James and Edward. In 1915 he moved to Barton.
Pollock received the Confederate Cross of Honour from the Daughters of the Confederacy.
Pollock died on Jan. 27, 1916, and was returned to his family’s farm to be buried.
Master of ceremonies was CHCO President Edward Taylor Jr. Speakers were Michael Williams of the Col. Harry W. Gilmor Camp Sons of Confederate Veterans.; Kristen Kraske, president of the Coalition to Protect Burial Sites; Jerry Baxley, chairman of the Southern Party and Southern National Committee; and Earl H. Kepler, chairman of the Southern Party of Maryland.
The history of James Pollock was read by Kelly Taylor. The wreath-laying was conducted by CHCO Secretary Linda Burgess. The monument was unveiled by CHCO Vice President Melvin Collins and James Pollock, grandson of the honoree. CHCO board member Philip Carder was soloist and prayers were lead by CHCO Chaplin James Klipstein Sr.
Harold Scott author of “The Civil War Era in Cumberland and nearby Keyser, W.Va.” attended the ceremony and a combined color guard was present.
For many years, only a worn handmade stone marked the grave. The Cumberland Historic Cemetery Organization installed a four-foot upright granite head-stone and a grave-sized ledger crypt. Engraved on the crypt is the history of Pollock at the foot of the grave is a black iron Confererate cross. The cross was donated by the Col. Gilmor Camp. A flag pole was installed by Philip Carder and holds the third National Confederate Flag.
Each year the Cumberland Historic Cemetery Organization erects several monuments. Since 1983, the organization has erected hundreds of monuments from Micanopy, Fla. to Cumberland.
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Photos of Pollock Monument Ceremony
– Sunday, August 12, 2001
chco1 – | Cemetery Sign |
chco2 – |
Visitors begin to assemble |
chco3 – |
Tents erected for CHCO historic photo display |
chco4 – | CHCO President Ed Taylor Jr. is Master of Ceremonies |
chco5 – | CHCO Chaplin James Klipstein Sr. presents the Invocation Prayer |
chco6, 7, 8, 9 – |
Color Guard |
chco10 – | Speaker Harold Scott |
chco11 – | Speaker Kristen Kraske President |
chco12 – | Speaker Jerry Baxley chairman of the Southern Party and National Southern Committee. Please see the Southern Party website at Phone: 804.675.7717 SNC P.O. Box 2464, Chesterfield, VA 23832 |
chco 13 – | Speaker Earl H. Kepler chairman of the Southern Party of Maryland. |
chco14 – |
Speaker Michael Williams of the Col. Harry Gilmore camp of the sons of Confederate Veterans |
chco15 – |
CHCO Board Member Philip Carder Soloist |
chco 16 – | CHCO V.P. Melvin Collins – James Pollock grandson of James Pollock the Confederate Soldier |
chco17 – | CHCO secretary Linda Burgess lays CHCO wreath and reads monument. |
chco18 – | Three gun hero salute |
chco19 – | Monument before unveiling |
chco20 – | Third National Confederate Flag |
chco21 – | CHCO Wreath |
chco22 – | CHCO member Edward Taylor Sr. photographs monument |
chco23 – | CHCO monument of Confederate James D. Pollock |
Sallie Pollock
Grave of CHCO member Renice Pollock buried at the Historic Pollock Cemetery, River Road, Mexico Farms. First burial in the cemetery since 1929.
Seymour-Brady Cemetery
Seymour – Brady Cemetery affiliated with CHCO 2004
Since 2004, The CHCO has been slowly restoring this historic Confederate Treasure Cemetery. It is located very near Cumberland, MD . It is located in a vast track of land just across the Potomac River near the Cumberland fairgrounds in an area known as Seymours Bottom, WV. The area remains virtually untouched since the Civil War.
In April 2007 (Confederate History Month), the CHCO engraved a large plaque on Confederate spy John Brady’s monument located at the Seymour-Brady Cemetery in Seymour’s Bottom, West Virginia. Photo was taken of those in attendance after the plaque was unveiled. The plaque reads:
Born April 29th, 1843 in Hampshire County, Virginia, John C. Brady was the son of Samuel D. Brady and Susan Parsons. John married Carrie S. Seymour in 1865, the daughter of Felix R Seymour and Elizabeth Ann Welton Seymour. He was taught farming and cattle breeding business by both father and father in law. Although he did not serve in the Confederate Army like his brother Isaac T. Brady in the VA Cavalry, he did his part for the war for southern independence on the night of Feb. 20th, 1865. John C. Brady traveled to Cumberland staying late studying the number and locations of the union troops. Stationed his reconnaissance assisted Lt. Jesse McNeil and his capture of Maj Gen George Crook and Brig Gen F Kelley. Lt. Jesse McNeil’s Capture of Crook and Kelley would later be described as one of the most daring raids of the US Civil War 1861-1865.
Mark D. Jones CHCO Historian 2007.
Photos of the first Seymour House, late 1800’s
In early November 2007, the Cumberland HistorSelect Filesic Cemetery Organization cleaned up the Seymour Family Cemetery. From left: Mark Jones, Simon Taylor, James Klipstein, Sr., Fidelis Miltenberger, and Leland Taylor.
During the Summer of 2010 local area Eagle Scout, Derek Paton and troop members completed the finishing touch of restoring the Cemetery Monuments where resent fence was completely painted and a historic sign was placed upon the fence.
A monument service held at the cemetery during Confederate history month. In April 2008.
The following two are not adopted sites of CHCO. However throughout the years tours, memorial services, and etc. are held in these cemeteries. Also, as pictured the CHCO has erected many monuments at these sites.
St. Patrick Catholic Cemetery
St. Patrick Catholic Cemetery, located at the corner of Fairview and Furnace Sts. in Cumberland. Buried here are many area Irish immigrants. The cemetery is owned by St. Patrick Catholic Church, founded in 1790.
Shane family monument restored by the CHCO in Autumn of 1991. Monument has since been vandalized several times.
Photo: Brady Family monument. Restored by CHCO in 1991.
Angellatta Monument. Erected 2002. St. Patrick’s Cemetery, Cumberland
Confederate Soldier John Van Horn. Located St. Patrick’s Cemetery, Cumb. Erected 2003
Dooley Monument installed 1995. St. Patrick’s Cemetery, Cumb
Grave of Mary Coffey at St. Patrick Cemetery in Cumberland, single granite flat monument, $350.
Grave of Gertrude Conlon her husband (still living) Tom Conlin Sr. a member of CHCO Board of Directors former mayor of Cumberland, former member of House of Delegates of MD.
Gonder family monument and plaque restored fall 2009, located St. Patrick Roman Catholic Cemetery, Cumberland.
Affiliated with the CHCO since 1983. Some of the very first cemetery tours were conducted on this site. Each year in June during the annual heritage days festival tours are conducted and also throughout the year. Many CHCO monuments are located within the cemetery located on Fayette Street in Cumberland.
Monument built and erected by CHCO members in 1992 at the graves of Phillip and Matilda Miller at SS. Peter and Paul Roman Catholic Cemetery.
Graves were unmarked from the time of their deaths until 1992. They are the great great grandparents of CHCO President Ed Taylor Jr.
Front and back of monument erected in 1993 to William and Mary (Murphy) Miller. William is the son of Phillip and Matilda. Monument locatd front section of SS. Peter and Paul Roman Catholic Cemetery, Fayette St., Cumberland.
Ledger crypt installed and unveiled by CHCO on All Souls Day, November 2, 1993 at grave of George C. Reitmeier( See hero story under SS. Peter and Paul Cemetery info)
15:13 Boy hero recalled 100 years after death
A century after his heroic death, George C. Reitmeier’s story lives on at the gravesite of the boy hero in Cumberland, Md. George was just 9 when he died Jan. 20, 1916, attempting to save a 15-year-old boy from drowning in the Chesapeake and Ohio Canal in Cumberland. On the 100th anniversary of his death this year, a small group of George’s extended family still living in Cumberland, including his nephew, John Reitmeier, Sr., and niece, Norma Clark, met at the gravesite with representatives of the Cumberland Historic Cemetery Organization to commemorate the heroic act.
Volunteers for the cemetery group have kept careful watch over George’s grave since 1993, when the organization helped to install a ledger crypt describing his heroism at SS. Peter and Paul Catholic Cemetery. The epitaph references the posthumous awarding of the Carnegie Medal, which the Hero Fund announced nine months after George died.
George’s great-nephew, John Reitmeier, Jr., of Cumberland said the cemetery group has done well to preserve the ledger crypt over the years. The original grave marker is so weathered that it’s hard to make out George’s name or the phrase Our Little Hero on a cross. “It’s very important,” he said. “We appreciate all their work. I know it takes money and time for them to maintain it.”
George, whom the Reitmeier family still calls “Georgie,” was one month shy of his 10th birthday when the accident happened. J. Louis Laber was ice skating on the canal when the ice broke and he fell into water several feet deep. George, who also was skating, went to the hole and extended a short board toward the boy, according to the Hero Fund’s records. The ice under George then broke, and he also fell into the water, ultimately drowning. Others at the scene used a long iron rod to rescue Laber.
Reitmeier Sr., lived with George’s parents as a teenager, and he said he remembered Laber occasionally visiting the family. “He always sent a Christmas card to my grandmother,” Reitmeier Sr. said of Laber.
At the time of the crypt dedication, Mary Lippold, the last surviving of George’s three siblings, was a member of the cemetery group. Lippold, who was 7 when George became a hero, died a year after the dedication.
Since the cemetery organization began, volunteers have placed more than 800 monuments at historic and noteworthy gravesites along the East Coast, said group president Edward W. Taylor, Jr. The group’s affiliation with the SS. Peter and Paul Catholic Cemetery dates back to 1983, when Taylor co-founded the self-funded organization. “As we live in this world that changes, the monuments are there to tell the great history of the nation,” he said.—Chris Foreman, Case Investigator
15:13 calls to mind those in the Hero Fund’s 112-year history whose lives were sacrificed in the performance of their heroic acts. The name identifies the chapter and verse of the Gospel of John that appears on every medal: “Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends.” Of the 9,845 medal awardees to date, 2,015, or 20.5% of the total, were recognized posthumously. They are not forgotten.
Carpenter, Located SS. Peter and Paul Roman Catholic Cemetery, Cumberland, MD
May, Located SS. Peter and Paul Roman Catholic Cemetery, Cumberland, MD
Sager family monument erected in 2006, SS. Peter and Paul Roman Catholic Cemetery, Cumberland, MD. Pictured are front and back panels of monument.
Monument for Mary Sager installed in 2006, SS. Peter and Paul Roman Catholic Cemetery, Cumberland, MD
Front and back of Confederate soldier monument erected by CHCO on All Souls Day Nov. 2, 2011 at SS. Peter and Paul Roman Catholic Cemetery, Fayette St. Cumberland.
The following are CHCO news articles dealing with SS. Peter and Paul and St. Patrick Cemeteries over the past twenty years. Read about how the CHCO has worked endlessly to promote history and restore and erect monuments within these cemeteries: