The Latest CHCO News..
New Releases from 2009
Merry Christmas A.D. 2009
May God Bless your New Year A.D.2010
A response from the CHCO is coming forthwith. This editorial is more evidence of Dr. Davis hatred towards out nations Christianity and history.
CHCO meeting and Christmas Party will be held December 12, 2009 at 2pm.
Location: 400 South Allegany Street, Cumberland MD.
Gravesite Christmas Wreaths placed on a tripod will go on sale November 20, 2009.
The cost of the wreath will be $22.00, to order please call:
Wreaths will be delivered to any grave in Allegany County Maryland for this donation.
The following is an editorial written by Dr. Jeffrey Davis, he is a member of what he calls citizens for a secular goverment.
This man was responsible for the 2004 fight against the 10 commandments monument in front of the Allegany County circuit court house, Washington St., Cumberland Maryland.
A Fight in which WE WON!
A response to this editorial is on its way.
For further info on the 10 commandments issue, see our Local Issues web page.
CHCO Members Dale Burgess, Ken Winters and Susie Winters perform maintenance work at the Confederate Seymour-Brady Cemetery located in Seymour’s Bottom, WV, just across the Potomac River from Cresaptown, MD November 2, 2009.
October 31, 2009

Sept. 19,2009
CHCO members traveled to Ellicott City, MD to attend a memorial ceremony of the Sons of Confederate Veterans, Maj.
In 2004 the CHCO and the Allegany Co. Preservation Society worked together to prevent the permanent removal of the 10 Commandments Monument in front of the Allegany Co. Court House, Washington St. Cumberland.
Allegheny Co. Preservation Society is a close ally of CHCO
The following letter is in reference to a project that Dr. Jeffrey Davis currently proposes for Allegany Co. Dr. Davis is the man responsible in 2004 for the 10 Commandment Monument fight
Pictured is the home of CHCO President Edward W. Taylor, Jr. Pictured above the fireplace is the original CHCO Seal Painting. This seal is engraved on over 800 monuments throughout the country and on the letterhead and printed literature of the group. In the close-up of the seal (lower picture), the small cross in the artwork is what the Allegany County Board of Education is objecting to involving the Confederate flag brochure controversy.
August 2, 2009. Members attended a meeting, picnic and memorial service for Dr. Frederick Miltenberger who died 10 years ago. Event held at the home of member Mary C. Miltenberger.
CHCO – Photo Exhibit at the Allegany County Fairgrounds during the fair in July 2009
As President of the Cumberland Historic Cemetery Organization, I feel quite compelled to defend the historic patriotic organization and its members that I love so well.
In a recent editorial that I submitted to the Times-News, I informed readers of a flip-flop position given by former Board of Education Superintendent, Dr. William AuMiller, concerning our educational Confederate Flag Brochure. Since that editorial ran, our organization was viciously attacked by Mr. Jeffrey Davis of Garrett County. Mr. Davis’ editorial obviously shows his lack of understanding of the issue between the CHCO and Dr. AuMiller. To correct Mr. Davis, as of this date (July 7, 2009), The Board of Education has made no ruling concerning the flag brochure. It was Dr. AuMiller who according to his own testimony originally approved the brochure, than after it was produced he decided not to give it to the Social Studies students.
I would highly advise Mr. Davis and any other citizen to be certain of their facts before commenting on any issue concerning the CHCO. Apparently, Mr. Davis has a real ax to grind with the CHCO. In 2004, it was Mr. Davis who threatened to sue the Allegany County Commissioners over the Ten Commandment Monument in front of the Allegany County Circuit Courthouse on Washington Street. Mr. Davis is not even a citizen of Allegany County and one who apparently has a real hatred of our Western Christian-Judo values, but out of great fear the Commissioners removed the monument. After several protest rallies by our organization, the Preservation Society of Allegany County, and several small Christian churches, the monument was placed back to its original spot by the county. Apparently, Mr. Davis is still enraged about this fact because he still requests the monument’s removal.
One of the many missions of the CHCO is to promote and defend true United States of America history and the moral values of our nation’s founding fathers. This also includes the true educational and states rights history of the Confederate States of America. We highly recommend the citizens of Allegany County and especially our elected public servants to stop giving Mr. Davis the time of day. He is not part of our county. Let Mr. Davis take his godless attitude to the fine upstanding people of Garrett County, Maryland and let them deal with it.
Cumberland Times News Cumberland, MD — July 3, 2009
Captain David Lynn plague and newly added seal at the corner of Allegany Street and Avirett Avenue, Cumberland.
After ceremony, members traveled to Rose Hill Cemetery Cumberland to lay a wreath at the grave of Captain David Lynn.
Left to right: Front row: Susie Winters, Debbie Clark, Simon and Leland Taylor, Back row: Benice Pollack, Ken Winters, Ed Taylor Jr., MaryAnn and Bruce Eckard, Mary C. Miltenberger, and Mel Collins.
CHCO member Leland Taylor reads history of the seal during the event.
July 4th Event
On Saturday, July 4th at 10am the Cumberland History Cemetery Organization will hold a public ceremony to unveil the first design for the Seal of the United States. The seal was proposed during the American Revolution by founding father Benjamin Franklin and Third U.S. President Thomas Jefferson. The seal contains the scene from the Holy Bible with Moses on one side of the Red Sea as it destroyed Pharaoh’s army. The words around the seal read “Rebellion to Tyrants is Obedience to God”. This motto, Franklin and Jefferson noted, would be important throughout the future of the U.S.
The CHCO has engraved the seal and history thereof on red granite to be placed as part of the Revolutionary War Captain David Lynn’s plaque. The Lynn plaque was installed last year by the CHCO and is installed on the old Rose Hill estate column located at the corner of Allegany Street and Avirett Street Cumberland
After the 10am event, members will visit the grave of Captain Lynn to present a wreath in Rose Hill Cemetery, followed by the prayer of the Holy Rosary at the Shrine of the Pieta, SS. Peter and Paul Roman Catholic Cemetery. Both cemeteries are located on Fayette Street.
Founded 1983 and Privately Funded. Our Mission: Erect and Restore Monuments, Preserve Cemeteries, Promote History, Pray and Honor the Holy Deceased.
Greetings Friends and Allies;
Please see the attached editorial that will be running in the Cumberland Times News within a few days. This article will exhibit our great patriotic fight to defend Confederate History, which we consider our godly duty.
We will keep you informed on the progress of this fight. Many of you have received a copy of the Confederate Flag Brochure, which appears to be the basis of this controversy. If you have not seen the brochure, you can go to our website, under the latest news page.
You will receive updates on this serious issue concerning our great history.
Edward W. Taylor, Jr.
President, Cumberland Historic Cemetery Organization
400 S. Allegany St. Cumberland, MD 21502
Dear Editor,
For twenty six years, the Cumberland Historic Cemetery Organization has worked to restore cemeteries, erect and restore monuments, to promote our nations true history in dedication to those who have helped to build our nation in the past, and to pray for their souls. These activities have always been completed with private dollars.
One of the areas of American History that the CHCO has greatly promoted over the years is that of the Confederate States of America. The reason is that this era of history has been the most ignored and distorted throughout the past 30 years. The organization has erected dozens of monuments that grace our many local cemeteries, engraved with inscriptions to honor those men and women who were the great heroes of the Confederacy.
Recently the Organization presented an idea to Mr. Dan Whetzel, head of the Social Studies Dept. with the Allegany County Board of Education. The proposal was for a designed brochure engineered for school children to learn the true history of the four major Confederate Flags. The mission was to educate the students on the true history of the Confederate Flag and to eliminate the incorrect theory that the flag was used for racial purposes. True education is the only way to overcome ignorance. We also displayed a statement condemning any individual or organization that would use these flags for racial intimidation. Mr. Whetzel responded very favorably. He read the proof and approved the brochure. At our expense, we produced a high quality, color brochure that was delivered to Mr. Whetzel’s office. The brochure was to be distributed in April 2009, which is National Confederate History Month. At Mr. Whetzel’s request it was to reach the hands of local eighth grade students that study the Civil War. After the brochures were delivered, Mr. Whetzel left a recorded call to the CHCO to come pick up the brochures. When we contacted Mr. Whetzel for an explanation we were informed it was the Superintendent of School, Dr. William AuMiller’s decision not to distribute the brochure. At that time the CHCO requested a hearing with the Allegany County Board of Education Members to appeal his decision. It took the Board of Education almost two months to arrange the meeting. The hearing was then held but the press was barred from attending. Our members learned through Dr. AuMiller’s own testimony that before Mr. Whetzel approved the brochure he had shown it to Mr. AuMiller. At that time, Dr. AuMiller, apparently had no problem with the brochure because Mr. Whetzel came back to the CHCO and stated the proof was fine. It wasn’t until the finished product was delivered to the school system that Dr. AuMiller did a complete turn around against the brochure. Throughout Dr. AuMiller’s testimony, he cited there were religious symbols and political messages in the brochure. However, he failed to point out what they were. We feel if Dr AuMiller had any problem with the brochure he should have disclosed his apprehensions in the preliminary stages of production. As an organization, we wonder who got to Dr. AuMiller? Within the hearing the CHCO has made three requests to the Allegany County Board of Education Members. Due to Dr. AuMiller’s unprofessional actions on this issue, we request: 1. to be reimbursed for the full amount of the cost of producing the brochure, 2. we request the Board of Education cover the fees of our attorney, Mr. Paul Sullivan, 3. a statement in writing that for the next 5 years, 2010-2015 in April, that we are granted permission to place these brochures in the hands of the eighth grade students that study the Civil War. If these requests are not granted, we will appeal the Allegany County Board of Education’s decision to the Maryland State Board of Education.
Listed above is just another reason why the Board or Education should keep closer tabs on unelected, out of control bureaucrats like Dr. William AuMiller.
Let’s hope the new superintendent has better judgment in the future, because Dr. AuMiller’s actions will not be tolerated. For more information on the CHCO and this issue visit our website,
Edward W. Taylor Jr.
President, Cumberland Historic Cemetery Organization
400 S. Allegany St.
Cumberland, MD 21502
*** Please forward to any individual or organization that you feel necessary.
CHCO members attended the Confederate Memorial Day in Baltimore, MD.
The following four photos were taken at Pollock Cemetery on April 4, 2009 ceremony to honor dead Confederates for Confederate history month.
For and end-of-year field trip, the 2 4th grade classes at Westside Elementary, Cumberland, were given a guided tour by the CHCO president of historic graves at SS. Peter and Paul Roman Catholic Cemetery, Fayette Street. As part of the tour, before visiting the cemetery, the school children met at the home of CHCO president Edward Taylor, Jr. where the remains of the historic Rose Hill Mansion exists. Mr. Taylor pointed out the plaque installed last summer by the CHCO which tells the history of the historic site and the Revolutionary War Captain David Lynn and his family lived at the estate.
CHCO members Leland and Simon Taylor place a rose from the organization at the crypt of St. Mother Elizabeth Ann Seton, at her basilica in Emmetsburg, MD.
Dale Burgess prepares to fire a 3 gun salute for veterans buried at Sumner Cemetery.
Memorial Day 2009, pictured at Sumner Cemetery, Yale Street, Cumberland are some of the CHCO members and Clergy which attended the event at the Union Civil War Soldiers Monument erected by the group in 1991. CHCO Secretary Linda Burgess, President Edward Taylor, Jr., Simon Taylor, Rev. Alfred Deas, Leland Taylor, Board member Dale Burgess and Susie Winters
CHCO Board of Directors for 2009
President Edward W. Taylor Jr.
Vice President, Melvin Collins
Secretary, Linda Burgess
Treasurer, Christina Taylor
Chaplin, Thomas F. Conlon, Sr
Cemetery Maintenance Supervisor, Chester (Dale) Burgess
Rosarian, Mary Ann Eckhard
Historian, Mark D. Jones
2009 Board of Directors (from left to right)
Melvin Collins – Vice President, Christina Taylor – Treasurer, Mary Ann Eckhard – Rosarian, Linda Burgess – Secretary, Thomas F. Conlon, Sr. – Chaplin, Edward W. Taylor, Jr. – President
Absent from photo is Chester (Dale) Burgess – Cemetery Maintenance Supervisor and Mark D. Jones – Historian