News Releases From 2014
Merry Christmas – A.D. 2014
Happy New Year – A.D. 2015
CHCO Christmas Social & Meeting 2014
Nov.7,2014 members Edward Taylor Sr.,Edward Taylor Jr. and Leland Taylor traveled to Buckhannon, W.Va to place Christmas poinsettia at the CHCO designated and protected gravesite of Edna Post Taylor buried at the Regar-Teter Cemetery. In 1992 the CHCO placed a footstone at the gravesite. The family placed a headstone on the grave in 1967 when she died. Edna Post Taylor is the grandmother of Edward Taylor Sr.
CHCO Pres. Edward W. Taylor, Jr. welcomes the crowd
Rev. Alfred Deas gives the opening prayer
Cumberland Mayor Brian Grim welcomes those attending
Pictured left to right CHCO member James Klipstein, Sr. Thomas Beall descendants: John Paul Beall, George Beall, and Kathleen Beall
Pictured in the center. Chester Dale Burgess, Sr. leads the flag salute
Local Historian, Al Feldstein reads the Beall’s history
Cumberland City Councilman Nick Scarpelli places City pins on the Beall family
CHCO secretary Linda Burgess presents the wreath
Kathleen Beall addresses the group
Cannon being prepared to be fired
The Beall family unveils the monument

On August 16, 2014 the CHCO held a summer picnic at the farm of Lloyd Hyson on Little Pond Lane in Finzel, MD.
V.P. Mel Collins, Juan Artavia, Bessie Halterman, and Dale Burgess Sr
Carol Weakley, Dr. Jean Bialas, Mary Susan Resser, and Lloyd Hyson.
Members fishing
Simon Taylor.
Summer 2014
Flags at Pollock Cemetery River Road, Mexico Farms. United States, Third National Confederate, and CHCO Flag.
“The Long children’s gravesite at Pollock Cemetery, Mexico Farms, River Road. The pink granite information monument was installed by CHCO the summer of 2014”
July 4, 2014 CHCO annual event at CHCO headquarters at 400 S. Allegany St., Cumberland to honor American Revolutionary Capt. David Lynn. In 2008 CHCO erected a plaque in honor of Lynn at the 1801 entrance column to the Rose Hill estate in front of the headquarters.
After the plaque reading those present, visited Rose Hill Cemetery and laid a wreath at the gravesite and fired a three gun cannon salute
Capt. David Lynn Plaque installed at CHCO Headquarters 400 S. Allegany St. Cumberland in 2008
CHCO President Ed Taylor, Jr. welcomes all to the CHCO July 4, 2014 Capt. David Lynn American Revolutionary War event.
July 4, 2014. Local Historian Al Fieldstein reads the plaque during the event.
Local CHCO members at CHCO Headquarters for the Capt. David Lynn event.
CHCO President Edward Taylor, Jr. places a wreath at Capt. Lynn’s gravesite.
Cannon salute.
CHCO members at Capt. Lynn’s gravesite.
Geraldine Silvious died May 25, 2014, she was buried with her father at St. Marys Cemetery on UHL Hwy south of Cumberland.
Geraldine Silvious CHCO Monument
Geraldine’s father John Mantheiy’s Monument
Memorial Day Service at Union Soldiers Monument Yale Cemetery
Sumner Cemetary Yale St. Cumberland Sunday May 25, 2014
April 5,2014
Graves of deceased members Captain Idellus and Mary Anna Dye, Rose Hill Cemetery, Cumberland.